
wtorek, 8 września 2020


Dziś chciałam Wam pokazać sklep, który ma w ofercie koszulki fana piłki nożnej. Mowa o

U nas piłka nożna jest bardzo docenianym sportem nie tylko w kraju ale i w domu. Ja sama oglądam mecze, oglądał je mój tata i dziadek. Nikt mnie do oglądania nigdy nie zmuszał sama z ciekawością oglądałam i nadal to robię. 

Okazuje się, że w dzisiejszych czasach warto po prostu mieć pasję. Jeśli ona wiąże się ze sportem to jeszcze lepiej. Mój starszy syn bardzo lubi grać w piłkę - koledzy mają koszulki więc on też zapragnął. Wiecie jak to jest - nie wystarczy zwykły t-shirt. Musi to być coś lepszego. 

Ostatnio na topie jest Bayern i taką koszulkę chciałam Wam pokazać. Choć w sklepie znajdziecie mnóstwo różnych opcji i możliwości.

Bardzo fajną opcją jest możliwość przeczytania opinii o danym produkcie, które wystawili inni kupujący. Zawsze to pomaga w wyborze. Na zdjęciach można zobaczyć detale czy nawet przeczytać o tym jak wyprać daną koszulkę. Gama rozmiarów jest bardzo szeroka. Mam wrażenie, że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. 

Warto kupić coś co faktycznie ucieszy ofiarodawcę. Pamiętam jak pierwszy raz kupiłam oryginalną koszulkę mężowi na prezent bożonarodzeniowy. Traf chciał, że otwieraliśmy prezenty w rodzinie razem. Ile ja zachwytów usłyszałam od męskiej strony rodziny to głowa mała. Nawet doszło do sprzeczki dlaczego Pan X nie otrzymał też takiego prezentu. No cóż. Klucz to dobry pomysł i też wykonanie. 

Niektórzy też kupują takie koszulki jako ozdobę na ścianę to też jest fajny pomysł, żeby taką koszulkę z autografem powiesić. 

Jeśli za tym idzie aktywność sportowa to ja się bardzo cieszę. 

Doceniam szeroki wybór i fajną jakość wykonania. 

Myślę też, że to idealny pomysł na prezent - taka nowa koszulka z kompletem metek z logo naszego ulubionego zespołu. 

Co sądzicie ?

Fashion standards, fanaticism, and even personality have been a relevant topic that has led us to design our jersey as long as it is in line with our taste, sometimes without considering what today's society may think. Dare to create your style!

On certain occasions, it is admirable the creativity of some people to express themselves through their clothes. Whether it is because of the current and modern fashion, the message they are trying to reflect, the clothing design, or merely the different way of wearing a garment that we would typically use otherwise.

Essential details for designing our jersey

There are countless reasons why we would like to create our shirt, just as we can find various ways to achieve this goal. Whether it is for hobbies, dedication, or a lucrative purpose, wanting to express this idea should be paramount to quality and originality.

Suppose you want to innovate with your own hands, an essential piece of your wardrobe. In that case, the duty is to maintain your personality and dedicate the necessary time to it so that you can show it off at ease, besides impressing others with your tricks or creative design techniques.

Another critical point is not to miss any detail, by this we also mean the material(s) you will have to use and, of course, the one of the shirt we want to customize. It should note that the application is free to choose, but some recommendations should be kept in mind.

The more practice you have, the better the results. Still, suppose you consider that it is not your talent or you are not creative enough. In that case, you can also create an idea and have professionals take care of it according to your taste, as is the case with printing. It can also advise you on the application and the various materials to use.

Options to design your jersey

The purpose of the design is what will give you the guidelines for the rest of the work. You may not be an expert, but if you know how to control your imagination and skills, it will be easy to put it on your jersey. By evaluating the diversity of textile materials, you will be able to facilitate your design, and if you make it, you will have the advantage of managing the budget.

If you are one of those who dare to use their design by hand, think about trying various paints, marks, brushes, textures, and inks. Research the different techniques, lately this topic has been a trend in modern fashion, so you will probably find one that you like, and that is perfect for the occasion.

Another favorable option, as mentioned above, is to go with a professional. Are of great help, being the ones who already have the necessary knowledge to guide you as far as the variety of materials that go with your shirt. This way, durability, and a better application are guaranteed.

An expert will expand your options when choosing the material for your shirt, according to the design selected and the type of printing you want based on the map mentioned. You could be surprised by the high number of prints or textiles you can help you shape your ideas into your clothing.

Recommendations for designing your Jersey

Inspiration is the first step for any design, and a key point if it is for your jersey. Another advantage is being able to have fun with the combination of colors and textures you can use. Make sure you don't overdo it, as we can damage our design, and it would be frustrating to start again when we already have an advanced model.

You were also Making an illustration first. That is to say, it may fit perfectly in your mind, and you may want to apply it directly to your t-shirt, trusting that it will look the same to you. Hopefully, you'll make it, there's the game your practice, but otherwise, it may be too small and too big for space.

With the use of the templates, you can avoid these inconveniences in case your design requires it. With them, you can create more or almost perfect lines if you consider you don't have a good pulse, and they are ideal for shaping a little more complicated designs. Also, they are a quick and economical acquisition.

For this technique, it is convenient to use sprays because of its ease of work or cotton that make the function of absorbing enough paint and then with small touches. (make sure the template adjust to the shirt)You can fill in the transferable spaces until you complete your design.

Other techniques you should take into account to design your jersey

One of the most durable is the embroidery, but at the same time, it requires a lot of skill, time, and patience, depending on the machinery you have available. Otherwise, embroidering with your own hands will take more dedication. However, for a small design, it is perfect.

Another basic but effective one is stamping. We can even use it to reinforce a ready-made design. In the same way, you have to take into account the colors and inks, applying a lot of print effect to a ready design may overload the shirt, otherwise, being the only technique to use, you are free to choose.

Also, combining techniques can be an incredible and powerful idea. Just try not to overdo it. Remember that in some cases, less is more, but never let your personality down. Also, trimming or using clothes differently is a trend that currently includes being careful.

That said, we already know that there are many options and techniques for designing your jersey. You probably have come across some fashion publication, and now you want to include it in your wardrobe, so don't be afraid to risk innovating your clothing. A basic T-shirt can become a trend.

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